Tips for Teaching your Toddler to Brush Their Teeth


Around two years old, your child may be interested and excited to start brushing on their own! The transition is not always easy, but with these tips, your toddler will begin to develop healthy dental habits and routine in no time!

Show them how it’s done! Before handing over full responsibility, encourage your child to watch in the mirror as you brush their teeth. Briefly explain what you are doing to keep their attention. 

  • Practice makes perfect! It can be helpful for your little one to practice brushing your teeth first. Not interested? Don’t be afraid to hold their hand and brush together the first couple of times.

  • Still not sure their teeth are getting completely clean? Offer to take turns brushing. Maybe they brush on their own in the morning and you brush for them at night. Give your child the ability to be autonomous while still getting a refresher each night of what brushing should look like.

  • Lead by example. Make brushing together a part of your morning and night routines. If they see you brushing, they will likely want to prove that they too are grown up and can brush their teeth.

  • Finally, make brushing fun! Oral hygiene should never be treated as a chore or a punishment. Have fun with it by playing music for two minutes instead of using a timer,  create a reward system for when your child brushes twice a day for a certain amount of time, or bring them shopping for a new toothbrush and toothpaste to make brushing more special.

With these tips, your toddler will be brushing on their own in no time. By instilling good oral hygiene habits now, you are ensuring a happier and healthier smile in their future.


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